
Kari Ray M.S. CCC-SLP 

Speech and Language Pathologist, Owner/Operator 

Kari is a CA licensed and ASHA certified Speech and Language Pathologist. She holds a Bachelors Degree and Master of Science Degree from the University of the Pacific, Stockton CA.  Kari has over 22 years of clinical experience and has had the opportunity to work  in a variety of  therapeutic settings from private clinics, rehabilitation clinics, non-public schools, public schools,  and charter schools. Kari has received specialized training in Early Intervention,  Autism evaluations and treatment, augmentative and alternative communication,  early sign language, picture communication, social language disorders, PROMPT, Myofunctional Therapy, and fluency disorders. 

Kari recognizes the value of  family input and participation in the therapy process and strives to create a family centered environment. She encourages family members to participate in therapy sessions to facilitate growth outside of the clinic environment.  Kari and her husband are long-time North State residents.  They have four children who keep them busy with their extra-curricular activities. When not at work you will often find Kari traveling with her family,  hiking and enjoying her time out on the lake.